Its been a week since the second term of my second year has started. Everything seems so quiet and smooth so far. I've been trying to focus on my 3 students; ignoring the fact that I was told last term that R & A are coming back to me. Finally. I've seen it coming.
So what I did is: prepare their IEP's, which by the way are the same ones of last year since they have forgotten ALL what I taught them and became even worse. What I need to do now is sit back, relax, and wait for my director to open up the subject with me soon.
Students UPDATE:
- G has shown remarkable progress this year. She's such a cute fast learner who's eager to learn everything new! Well, everything other than language and communication skills. Thats her weakness.
- H is also amazing in terms of understanding new concepts and terms related to cognitive skills. But she's struggling so much with her physical movement because of gaining weight. Thats an issue I'm supposed to discuss AGAIN with her parents.
- M. Until now, I did not notice any improvement with him in all areas. Its so hard to work with him since he has very limited cognitive skills at the moment. I'm not sure if I'll ever achieve anything by the end of this year, which might actually cause little problems.
Career UPDATE:
I think I'm happy where I am right now. I thought, for a while, that teaching wasn't what I wanted. But when I got the chance to leave, I just couldn't. At the moment, teaching is my passion. Its changing me to be a better person, which would definitely affect my professional development much more than those so-called workshops that the ministry sends me to. I'm still learning every single day, even if I don't really notice it. Teaching makes me a happy person, and that's why I need to continue teaching and stop worrying about the future.