Friday, February 10, 2012

I realized that I've been relating all my MA courses to my work experience and the provision for disabled children in the UAE, which made me realize even more that I made a very wise decision to work for a while and then pursue my higher education. Another thing is noticing how enthusiastic I get once I decide on a research topic that is relevant to my background. I just type it all from my heart and not only relying on the literature. This is the reason why I've been anxious lately due to the fact that we need to submit our "Critical study" form: my very very final 15,000 words research paper! How stressful!

So my main MAIN topic is provision for pupils with SEN in the UAE where I'll be focusing on the only governmental center in Dubai: my beautiful beloved center! Underneath this main topic are three important factors: teachers, parents, and my very beloved students. Now I'm not sure if 15,000 will be enough to research it ALL. What I know for now is that I need to focus on my favorite part which is the students. I noticed how much emphasis is being placed on students' participation in the UK and how essential it is for their voice to be heard, especially when it comes to developing provision. I would very much like to know what our students think and feel. They were never asked about their opinions. I don't even think that the 'official' stakeholders will bother to know whether they have brains to think, or feelings to express! That's why its a great challenge for me. I don't know how to do it, but I will have to find a way. If the children in the UK can do it, then I think our children deserve a chance. Maybe they have the answers to the questions that our smart officials were never able to answer. At the end, it is THEIR provision, and we are all working for THEM.

About the teachers part, I'm not really sure if I should go for it. Obviously, they are not interested in my 'educational' development. I also don't think that they will be completely honest while answering since I'm someone they kinda know, and it might occur to them that I might spread their answers around especially if I'll be interviewing them. Plus, I personally don't trust myself since I will be very judgmental and subjective when interpreting their answers. Maybe I will use questionnaires that are completely anonymous which require a yes or no answers.

The third part: parents. In general, I've always believed that parents play the most important part in the lives of their children, whether disabled or not. This is why I always try to involve them as much as I can in their children's education, and I also try to involve myself in their lives at home. Not because I want to or I'm interested. Its because I noticed how much this accelerates the child's learning, and also reflects positively on the relationship between the child, parent, and the teacher.

So basically my priorities right now are listed as students, parents, and teachers. The big question is: does the research make sense? Would it be useful or would it be just words on papers? Will my findings make sense? Ah this is so tiring.

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